Table of Contents and Index, Paris Groups 1944

The table of contents and index for this volume are so large, now that I am over one third of the way through, that I shall publish them in this separate post, which I shall outdate from time to time.


Table of Contents

Untitled Introduction                                       9

A Caution from one who Participated in

these Groups, Henri Tracol                 13

Remarks from the Editing Team                      15


Thursday 6 January                                         17

Tuesday 11 January                                        23

Thursday 13 January                                       25

Friday 14 January                                           33

Sunday 16 January                                          36

Tuesday 18 January                                        40

Thursday 20 January                                       46

Sunday 23 January                                          55

Friday 28 January                                           70

Tuesday 1 February                                        73

Friday 4 February                                           78

Tuesday 8 February                                        85

Friday 11 February                                         92

Sunday 13 February                                        96

Tuesday 15 February                                      105

Tuesday 22 February                                      112




age of preparation 24-25

aim 35, 52, 81-82, 84, distinguished from a means 43

air (see also “breathing”) 61, 92, 102

All and Everything 10

atmosphere 42

baths (hammam) 103

Beelzebub’s Tales to his Grandson 10, 13, 20

blood 107

breathing 57, 59, 101, 102

career 72

centres 53-54

children 51-52, 68-69

contemplation (recueillement) 74

crow and stork (story) 49

de Hartmann, Thomas 9

de Salzmann, Jeanne 9, 13, 15, 42, 51, 52, 56, 57, 66, 67, 69, 80, 90, 96, 102, 104

de Salzmann, Michel 15

desalting 33, 42, 49

diaphragm 102

director 23-24

disharmony, 52

doing 117

education 68-69

egoist 37

exercises 40, 43, 44, 89

against internal weakness 90

antipathy 100

breathing 58-59, 100-101

counting 31-32

filling 98-99

“I Am” 53-54, 102

need for the exercises 101

prayer with three centres 42

receiving three impressions 106-107

substances for one’s face 36

sucking 89, 96, 115

true “I” 92

faith 79-80

father 85-87, 91

feeling 31

Flammarion 78

God 51

grandmother (Gurdjieff’s) 103, 114

groups 33

gluttony 65-66

Gurdjieff, G.I. 9-10, 13, 15

his groups 19-21

his writing 20

his languages 50-51

Gurdjieff Institute of Paris 15

head 107

honesty 37

hypnotism 80

hysteria 115

“I Am” 29, 53-54, 83, 95, 112,

sense I AM during exercises 115

Idiots 17

keeping one’s word 37-39

laziness 60-61, 65-66

leading 115

Maupassant 78

“ME” 58, 65, 84, 98

Meetings with Remarkable Men 9, 20, 78

monasteries 80

mother 51-52

movements 10

nature 24, 45

parents 70

philosophising 30, 43, 85, 86, 90

prayer 42

preparing the future 24-25

programme 116-117

Purgatory 77

recueillement (collecting, contemplation) 74

relations with others 26-28

relaxation 32, 55, 60-61, 75, 98, 107

remorse of conscience 28-30, 47-48, 71-72

repairing the past 24-25

result 109, 112

role 37, 41, 85-88, 91, 104, 111

sacrifice 37, 54, 88

satisfaction 25, 67-68

self-remembering 74, 75

sensing 32, 42, 53, 58-59, 63-65, 108

sincerity 45

small things 39

space (making space) 70

spinal column 98

spoiled 114

spontaneity 45

spirits 38

struggle 73-74

sucking 89, 96, 115

sympathies 27-28

tempo 97

tension 108

thinking 26

Tibet 92

time 34-35

tiredness 65

Tracol, Henri 13


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