What Would Bennett Say to His Endlessness?

You know the scene from the end of the Beelzebub narrative, that is, the end of chapter 47, the final mention of Beelzebub and his grandson. Hassein asks his grandfather how he would reply to Our All-Embracing Creator Endlessness Himself, were he to ask him “whether it is still possible by some means or other to save them and to direct them into the becoming path?” (p. 1182) You know Beelzebub’s reply on the next page.

Well, Bennett was asked the same question. We are indebted to Anthony Blake for much, and not least for inserting a number of students’ notes from meetings into the text he called The Way to Be Free. In the revised 2006 edition, at p. 62, we read:

“If Bennett were asked the Beelzebub question about how to save people on earth he would answer, “By allowing them to see the state of their own souls.”

This relates to Beelzebub’s response, for if we saw the state of our souls, the sensing and cognising the inevitability of our deaths would indeed move us. “Move” is perhaps too weak a word.

And now, what about us: can I sense the state of my soul? If not, surely it means that it is utterly passive. That is, perhaps we cannot see the state of our souls, but we can see that we cannot see it – and that should make us serious about the Great Work.

Truly, despite, perhaps even partly due to all his turnings, follies, and failures, Bennett was unique. I would say that he has done Gurdjieff proud.


  1. I like what you’ve been writing about Bennett. It makes me reassess him in a more favorable light. I look forward to your book about him!

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