For One Day, May Beelzebub’s Tribe Come Together

On 8 June 2023, I posted this:

The time has now come. If you wish to hear the reading on 28 December, the Zoom link for both of the two occasions is:

To determine the starting hour in your Time Zone check these links:
Sydney Event:

London Event:

I paste, below, the last part of that previous post.

It seems to me, then, that the first moves towards unification would be towards communication. Such communication could not be continuous and of great length. I would conjecture that such efforts would be bound to fail. But they could be small, and initially perhaps, just once or twice a year. Many groups have events on the occasion of Gurdjieff’s death (29 October) and the date taken as his birth (13 January). But what of  an electronic meeting on 28 December, his true birthday? It could be as simple as a reading from one of his books, perhaps with some of his music.

Even this would mean that people from different groups would need to consent to someone from one group taking a lead at one point or another. It can be painful to hear others read or play. This could indeed be an intentional suffering. But why not?

Our small group has been working in this direction with other people. We have recorded Ken Adie reading the chapter “My Father” from Meetings with Remarkable Men. Ken is one of the small and diminishing number of those with a personal recollection of Gurdjieff. If we broadcast that once or twice on 28 December, for all to see, that would be a start. And, I think, it would be a worthy one.

As I said at the start, I have found that the greater readiness for such a meeting has occurred because of a deepening sense of valuation for the work and for our common heritage – on all sides.

On occasions, I have made contact with other groups or people, waiting afterwards to see what might occur. Generally, nothing happens, but that is hardly to undo the value of when we did come together.

To repeat, I think that the laws of higher worlds are a key: there are fewer laws, but they are more productive, allowing for more freedom and flexibility.  This means that the simpler the plan, the more modest the scope, the more chance of breaking through the impediments attendant upon our all too human condition.


  1. Yes – the laws of higher worlds are always and everywhere – and open to us in many ways. When one recognizes the flexibility and “freedom” that can arise, then how does one overcome suggestibility and assist others in doing so?
    (depending on my circumstances I will try and be there)

  2. Thank you, Joseph. A very practical idea. We will watch for the invitation.Such an initiative may have to be pursued patiently for a number of years to become an established tradition that may someday seem normal to future groups.
    Steve Aronson

  3. Hi Joseph
    I think this is a great idea and thank you for taking the initiative to propose it.

    I have heard Anthony Blake say that the reason Gurdjieff’s “remarkable men” were remarkable was because they knew how to cooperate with each other. I agree that the effort needs to start small, among groups of individuals and then build on the trust and progress. I’m not sure I will be able to make December 28th as we will be out of town for the holidays but I look forward to future events.

    Also, I heard that your book on J.G. Bennett is due out in 2024, really looking forward to reading it.

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
    Matt Zenkowich

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