These were the first questions of the weekend work of Saturday 15 July 1989. Their chief value may be in showing how people could change enough to see something new and important about themselves. Here is a link to the morning address:
Heidi said: “I wanted to speak about the state of disagreement, because it was there again today when we spoke about the setting up of the tables. There’s one thing is quite clear and that is that I spent a great deal of my time in disagreement, in states of varying degrees of intensity.”
“Well, just take it step by step,” said Mr Adie. “The first point there is that something in you has a conviction that you cannot be wrong. So, any other person who has the slightest different view, causes that disagreement to become active. Everyone has to agree with you. You have to be right about everything. That is the way of your automatic thought. You’re not too prepared to allow there’s another process beside you which is, well … reasonable. Possibly.”
Heidi agreed: “Yes, yes. Because it’s instant, it comes without even considering the situation or the suggestion, straight away.”
“Yes, what you say is very good. So, you have to start appearing; and you will only start by beginning to observe this feature, because it can’t stand being observed. The more you observe it, the less sure it will become, and the more amenable to reason. But it’s very good yes. This disagreement has been very awkward, it has slowed everything down.”
“Yes, that’s what I felt,” said Heidi. “It was in me. It was a sort of rising then going down a bit, rising, and going down. At one stage, I found myself at the shoe boxes putting my shoes on, and this process took place saying, “I’ve had enough.” It walked out. I found myself thinking “this is quite absurd,” coming back in and joining. It’s just something that takes place from time to time – something in me has enough and walks off.”
“You have really never seen it like that before. Well, it’s a very strong thing. It’s one of your great difficulties. Without that, I think you would really start flying, like an angel. (Laughter). You have to allow that life is free, the tree will grow more or less according to the law of trees, and everything goes like that. We can accept to be in disagreement with everything really, because in fact, we are. If I’m in disagreement I’m in disagreement with everything. Ponder that.”
Mr Adie added: “Go on, you’ll begin to see the kind of element that is central in this disagreement, the element which can not agree. That is not an element which could agree, and it certainly cannot do.”
“This thing in you is uncompromising. If everybody fell down on their knees like this then maybe you could tolerate them, unless of course you suspected that someone was pulling your leg. But more subtle worship and flattery …”
“I’m very glad you have said this. It’s the best observation you’ve ever made, because it’s unequivocal. And it’s, to use a vulgar expression, it’s one hundred percent right. Couldn’t be more important. Previously you wouldn’t agree even to try something new, to make an experiment. Whatever it was, it had to be exactly like that, and we aren’t allowed to try anything longer, or shorter, or anything; it has had to be like that. Blackness and scowls and all the rest.”
“Yes, it just felt I was just sort of throwing stones into something that could have been more …” Heidi began.
Mr Adie agreed: “I know, I had to stand back. (Laughter). I might have said “do you mind if we try it? Just try it.” (Laughter) Good. Of course, everyone else is perfect, don’t worry, it’s very difficult for them to understand that.”
The next observation was from Jerry. It was quite lengthy, but it comes down to this: he saw something in him speaking too definitely and in disagreement. There was some sort of meeting of several people about a job to be done, and Mr Adie had been trying to help them see that there could be a common ground.
“Well, you share in what Heidi said. It has no reasons that, there’s no reason. But how without this work would we ever be able to see that? That’s the thing. I mean everybody in life now and again goes a bit too far and someone punches them on the nose or something happens but, apart from that, how would one see? Of course, there’s another part of it, a question of ownership comes into it. “I possess,” this is my possession.”
“I have to try and find a place for myself in the face of this monstrous imagination, monstrous imaginary cut-outs. I have to. If I can find myself on the stage and have a look at them before they go off, that’s what I need to do. I just quietly go and I have a look. Behind is only wood and saw dust and bits of wire, nothing more. And a little push will make them fall flat on their face. I never see it like that.”